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Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 11:17pm.
Once dominated by numerous shoals and oyster beds, Red Hook was the site of one of the busiest ports in New York Harbor in the mid 19th century. Settled by the Dutch in the 1600s, English colonization and settlement of the land eventually led to high concentrations of immigrant workers in the Red Hook area who served as a cheap source of labor for local shipping companies. The primary good imported in Red Hook was grain, which was then shipped throughout New York City. Valentino Park and Pier is named after local firefighter and NYC Parks lifeguard Louis J. Valentino Jr., who lost his life in 1996 searching for wounded firefighters in a three-alarm blaze.
Nearby attractions include the Waterfront Museum and Erie Basin Park to the south. There are currently no plans for construction on the site.
Bus - Van Brunt St/Wolcott St on the B61 route. From the bus stop, walk two blocks south to reach Coffey St. Walk three blocks north along Coffey St. to reach Valentino Park and Pier.
Bus - Court St/W 9th St. on the B57, B61 routes. From the bus stop, walk one block south to reach Coffey St. Walk four blocks north along Coffey St. to reach Valentino Park and Pier.
Bathrooms may be located in nearby storefronts.
Closest CSO
Red Hook WPCP CSO ID: NY0027073-029
Site Partners: RETI Center or Red Hook Community Center
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SaturdayMay 25 2024Weekend Public Oyster Research Station Monitorings
Join Billion Oyster Project's effort to restore New York Harbor by volunteering to collect data on the health of the oysters at one of our Oyster Research Station Hubs. During this event, you’ll assist our team in collecting scientific data, meet some of New York Harbor’s most interesting marine creatures, and enjoy a beautiful day on the waterfront!
No formal training necessary!