The New York City Maritime Calendar is an aggregated calendar of public events for and about life on the waters of New York City. We are an all-volunteer effort and encourage anyone to import, create, and edit events.
The open source software running this site is called Calagator. It was originally developed for the tech community of Portland, Oregon. You can read more about that project on its blog. You can support the development of Calagator on its Patreon page.
The source code for our friendly fork of Calagator is available here on Github. If you encounter any bugs or have feedback about the New York City Maritime Calendar, we appreciate hearing about it. Please email help@maritime.nyc.
Basic administration is handled by Zach Rose, local enthusiast.
Getting started
Find local events
- Browse an overview of events for the next two weeks.
- Browse events in the future and past, and filter by date.
- Browse venues and view future events occurring at each venue.
- Search for events at the top of each page.
Subscribe or export
- Subscribe to a list of events with your favorite calendar client or feed reader.
- Export a single event to your favorite calendar.
Share local events
- Add an event by entering its details.
- Import event(s) by entering a URL to a feed or webpage, or via a bookmarklet.
- Improve content by editing events and venues.
Get involved
Join the mailing list
- We're on Google Groups.
Help garden the site
- Add details to existing events and venues.
- Correct missing venues and incomplete venue addresses.